Thursday, December 07, 2006

brother of reason

Anonymous said...
Where do you come up with these things? Fear, delusion, rage, blame, as characters? Very clever. But the characters I prefer to interface with are future planning, enjoying the moment, and learning from the past. All your characters have no reward for moving forward. But you can re-wire your characters if you give them the 8 cows. Each one. Teach your characters to plant the seeds to grow the corn and not just feed. Enjoy growing the corn. It is the path to fullfillment. Delusion, fear, blame, anger are just empty words that relate to emotions without substinance. They are buckets with holes with them that one would carry for a life time, and yet would not feed one soul.

Brother of Reason
8:34 PM


At 8:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where do you come up with these things? Fear, delusion, rage, blame, as characters? Very clever. But the characters I prefer to interface with are future planning, enjoying the moment, and learning from the past. All your characters have no reward for moving forward. But you can re-wire your characters if you give them the 8 cows. Each one. Teach your characters to plant the seeds to grow the corn and not just feed. Enjoy growing the corn. It is the path to fullfillment. Delusion, fear, blame, anger are just empty words that relate to emotions without substinance. They are buckets with holes with them that one would carry for a life time, and yet would not feed one soul.

Brother of Reason


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